New Concerts Added!

Hi there, I’m excited to announce a few new concerts with two ensembles.

Firstly, I’ll be returning to the Greater Miami Youth Symphony for my fourth consecutive season. We’ve got a very talented group of students this year, it’s going to be a blast to play with them and teach them!

Secondly, I’ve been hired to play percussion with the Nu Deco Ensemble. This group, lead by Jacomo Bairos, looks to “create compelling and transformative genre-bending musical experiences.” They’ve worked in the past with Jacob Collier, Yo-Yo- Ma, Ben Folds, Kishi Bashi, and Magda Giannikou, among others. I’ll play with them on November 9, 2019 at the North Beach Bandshell featuring Electric Kif and Aaron Lebos.

As always, check out my performance calendar for information about each event, and subscribe to my newsletter to get a monthly list of performances every month. Thanks!


Lucas Sanchez